יום רביעי, 22 בפברואר 2012

Far Cry 3 demo download

Far Cry 3 demo download

סיקור :

Yes, we have sinned in the joy of polygons. We got a demo of Far Cry 3 graphically expect hair-raising experience, and although the game is run, only to us on a powerful PC We were disappointed to discover we have seen a more beautiful things. But after a few minutes we realized something else, equally important: It may well be one of the most enjoyable action games of next year.

דרישות מערכת :

  • : Intel Core 2 Duo Family, AMD 64 X2 5200+, AMD Phenom or better
  • : 2 GB
  • : NVidia 8600 GTS or better, ATI X1900 or better
    512 Mb of graphic memory
  • : 5.1 sound card recommended

Far Cry 3 (PC) Screen






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